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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Town and Parish Council Training

Our training sessions will address all of the following elements or can be tailored to your specific requirements.

We believe that it is important to keep the profile of Data Protection high so we offer training sessions in small groups, often team based, as they have the best idea about the issues that affect them.


We follow up these sessions with annual refreshers either face to face or via an email reminder which will include the need for a response. In this way we keep the topic live and ensure that all staff have to show that they have read the reminder. This can be linked into your staff intranet or online learning package if required. 

Training consists of a mix of examples and videos and will cover:

• Understanding the new GDPR and how it affects us

• Our role and responsibilities

• Examples of things that have gone wrong

• Applications in everyday life such as Facebook and 

  online banking

• Dealing with requests

• Data security



Carrying out a review  £100

Creating policies and procedures  - £350.

Training  - £400 for up to 25 people .


DPO role (public authorities only) £180 pa


West Sussex Charities may be free. Talk to us.


Data Protection and Freedom of Information have never been so high on the agenda. The Information Commissioner hands out fines every month to organisations that breach the rules. 

At a time when most town and parish councils are actively engaged in consultation through the neighbourhood plan process, it is important that they don't get caught out. Most local parishes do not have adopted policies for either of these important topics.

The training session will address all of the following:

• Understanding of the Acts and how they affect you

• Your role and responsibilities

• Examples of things that have gone wrong

• Applications in everyday life such as Facebook and      online banking

• Dealing with requests

• Data security

• Creating effective policies and procedures

Who should attend?

The training is aimed at clerks, councillors and volunteers.


Carrying out a review  £100

Creating policies and procedures  - £350.
Training  - £400 for up to 25 people .
DPO role £180 pa


If you would be interested in attending a course or just finding out more please get in touch.



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